Present Tense adalah kalimat yang
menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung/terjadi pada waktu
sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana atau pekerjaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang,
kebiasaan sehari-hari, peristiwa atau perbuatan yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan
waktu, dan untuk mengekspresikan kebenaran umum.
Kalimat Nominal Positive (+): Subject + Tobe
(am, is are) + Object
Contoh dalam kalimat positive (+):
1. I am a singer. (Saya adalah seorang penyayi)
2. We are teachers. (Kami adalah guru)
3. You are clever. (Kamu pintar)
4. He is twelve years old. (Dia laki-laki berumur 12 tahun)
5. She is very beautiful. (Dia perempuan sangat cantik)
1. I am a singer. (Saya adalah seorang penyayi)
2. We are teachers. (Kami adalah guru)
3. You are clever. (Kamu pintar)
4. He is twelve years old. (Dia laki-laki berumur 12 tahun)
5. She is very beautiful. (Dia perempuan sangat cantik)
Kalimat Nominal Negative (-): Subject + Tobe
(am, is are) +NOT + Object
Contoh dalam kalimat negative(-):
1. I am not a singer. (Saya bukan seorang penyayi)
2. We are not Soldier. (Kami bukan tentara)
3. You are not clever. (Kamu tidak pintar)
4. He is not sixteen years old. (Dia laki-laki tidak berumur 16 tahun)
5. She is not very beautiful. (Dia perempuan tidak sangat cantik)
Contoh dalam kalimat negative(-):
1. I am not a singer. (Saya bukan seorang penyayi)
2. We are not Soldier. (Kami bukan tentara)
3. You are not clever. (Kamu tidak pintar)
4. He is not sixteen years old. (Dia laki-laki tidak berumur 16 tahun)
5. She is not very beautiful. (Dia perempuan tidak sangat cantik)
B. Present
Continuous Tense merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan yang sedang
berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang berlangsung. Jadi
tindakan itu sudah dimulai, dan belum berakhir ketika pembicaraan itu berlangsung.
Selain itu, tense ini juga bisa digunakan untuk bentuk tindakan yang
berlangsung hanya untuk jangka waktu yang singkat.
Dalam Kalimat Positif (+):
subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb – ing + object
Contoh : You are watching TV now
Dalam Kalimat Negatif (-):
subject + to be + not + verb – ing + object
Contoh : Mr. Khanafi is not going to Jakarta atau
Mr. Wulan is not going to Bandung
Dalam Kalim Tanya (?) :
to be + subject + verb – ing + object + ?
Contoh: Is Mr. Frederic cooking in the kitchen ?
subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb – ing + object
Contoh : You are watching TV now
Dalam Kalimat Negatif (-):
subject + to be + not + verb – ing + object
Contoh : Mr. Khanafi is not going to Jakarta atau
Mr. Wulan is not going to Bandung
Dalam Kalim Tanya (?) :
to be + subject + verb – ing + object + ?
Contoh: Is Mr. Frederic cooking in the kitchen ?
C. Simple Past
digunakan untuk berbicara tentang suatu kegiatan atau situasi yang dimulai dan
berakhir pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Simple Past Tense, verb atau kata kerja yang digunakan adalah verb II. Biasanya,
sebagian besar adalah regular verb atau verb/kata kerja dibentuk dengan
menambahkan akhiran -ed pada verb/kata kerja.
She played badminton yesterday.
We studied English lastweek.
Atau beberapa verbs yang
digunakan diantara nya adalah irregular verbs (kata
kerja tidak beraturan)
I ate breakfast this morning.
Jhonny took my book lastnight.
Agar lebih mudah memahaminya
berikut KBI berikan rumus dan contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense
1. I bought a new
book at the bookstore yesterday.
2. Mr. William didnt come to
class lastweek.
3. He watched a
horror movie 4 days ago.
4. Did Ana sing my
favorite songs?
5. We spoke
English in the classroom this morning.
6. My mother
cooked fried rice last night.
7. Was Bob your
8. She wrote a
novel last month.
9. Stevani and Ratih visited my house last week.
D. Past Continuous
sama seperti Present Continuous namun bedanya Past Continuous terjadi di masa
Untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian
atau tindakan yang terjadi ketika suatu kejadian sedang berlangsung. Dalam hal
ini subordinate conjunction “when” dan “while” digunakan. contohnya sebagai
I was eating dinner
when you knocked the door.
He was sleeping when the phone rang.
He was sleeping when the phone rang.
Statement (+)
Subject (I-She-He-It) + was
+ V-ing
Subject (You-They-We) + were + V-ing |
(I-She-He-It) was
(You-They-We) were working |
Negative (-)
Subject (I-She-He-It) + was
not + V-ing
Subject (You-They-We) + were not + V-ing |
(I-She-He-It) was
not working
(You-They-We) were not working |
Question (?)
Was +
Subject (I-She-He-It) + V-ing ?
Were +Subject (You-They-We) + V-ing ? |
Was (I-She-He-It) working?
Were (You-They-We) working? |
Short Answer
Yes, Subject (I-She-He-It) + was
No, Subject (I-She-He-It) + was not Yes, Subject (You-They-We) + were No, Subject (You-They-We) + were not |
Yes, (I-She-He-It) was
No, (I-She-He-It) wasn't Yes,(You-They-We) were No, (You-They-We) weren't |
I was eating dinner when you knocked the door.
He was sleeping when the phone rang.
I was studying English lastnight.
She was cooking fried rice at 7 a.m this morning.
Mr. Alfred was
writing a letter for you yesterday.
Was Miss Stevani watching movie
Were we speaking English
2 days ago?
You were not finishing homework when she
called her mother.
While They were playing football, He came.
She was shopping when I got the gift.
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